
VOICE Gallery is devoted to art lovers and invites you to explore the fun, sophisticated, and wide-ranging offerings of art and culture at one of Santa Barbara’s most beautiful locations.
Exceptional guest curators lend their hand in presenting exhibitions, along with VOICE Gallery owners Kerry Methner, PhD and Mark Whitehurst, PhD, who offer twelve years of experience as gallerists and art curators with extensive professional experience including being among the founding members of Santa Barbara’s 1st Thursday Cultural Arts evenings and recipients of the Leadership in the Arts Award and the Business in the Arts Award.
The gallery works to support local nonprofit arts groups and predominantly shows local artists’ work. It is well connected to the large community of artists in and around the Santa Barbara area.

Find us at La Cumbre Plaza, 110 S. Hope Avenue, unit H-124 or call 805-965-6448.

The Gallery is open Monday – Friday 10am – 5:30pm and Saturday & Sunday 1-5pm.